Scheduling Messaging Help Order
API Reports

Report #s:

  • 34 - All services in a schedule plus service IDs
  • 610 - Resident block schedule
  • 610b - Resident block schedule w/IDs & header
  • 610c - Resident rotation assignments w/IDs & header, adds the group name as the first field in each record
  • 619 - Schedule
  • 619Vac - Who's away
  • 625 - Schedule with contact info
  • 625b - Schedule with contact info and notes
  • 625b - Resident schedule with notes and training level
  • 626 - Off-schedule assignment tallies
  • 625c - Resident combined block, call, shift, and clinic schedules
  • 630 - Call tallies
  • 700 - Number of days a resident is assigned to a rotation, weekdays and weekends
  • 745 - Feed for Amtelco

    (Add the parameter "Blks=1" to get block 1, Blks=2 for block 2, or you can request a range, as in Blks=1-4. Here's an example:

    Both reports pull from the current academic year. Add "Syr=" followed by the year you want to get data from the next or previous academic year. The following would give you blocks 1 to 4 from the 2019-20 year:

    https ://www .amion. com/cgi-bin/ocs?Lo=xxx&Rpt=700&Blks=1-4&Syr=2019

    Filter reports by adding "Enote=Shift:" followed by the shifts you want. You don't have to list the names in full. Enote=Shift:Med|ID would give you all shifts that begin with Med or ID. Put an asterisk in front of a filter string to get all rotations that have the string anywhere in their names. *V would give you any service with the letter 'V' in its name.

    You can also subtract off names. The filter *v|-*vu would give you all services with "V" but not ones with "VU". Here's an example that returns all shifts that begin with "Med" or "ID" or which have a V in the name but not VU:

    https ://www .amion. com/cgi-bin/ocs?Lo=xxx&Rpt=700&Enote=Shift:Med|ID|*v|-*vu

  • 701 - Tallies (variation from 630)
  • 705 - Staff report with contact info from infobox
  • 706 - Staff report with contact info and some additional fields
  • 706a - Staff report with contact info of both infobox and contact info box
  • 706&Enote=all - Returns all staff
  • 707 - Number of days a resident is assigned to a rotation for weekdays only
  • 730 - Page log

  • Vacations and meetings example:|meetings&Mo=1-17&Dz=365

  • Sample URLs & Instructions:

    A report always begins with the URL, Then add the Login password "&Lo=XX", report # "&Rpt=XX", then date content, if applicable (mentioned below in more detail). For example, to get a call tally report for the current day, the URL would be:

    Specific date report: Begin with "&Day=XX", then "&Month=XX", followed by "&Year=XXXX". For example, if needing a 619 report for a specific date of 6/5/2012, the URL would be: >

    Report by month: To get a report for a specific month, such as January 2017, enter "Month=1-17". The first number represents the month and the second number is the year.

    To pull data for previous month: Use "Month=-1". For previous 2 months, use "Month=-2", etc.

    For page log reports: For example, if you need a report for pages sent on particular days such as 9/30/17 at 11pm until 10/1/17 7am, the URL would look something like:

    Whole calendar year report for previous year: Add Month and Days. For example, a report from 1/1/16 - 12/31/16, would be "Month=1-16&Days=365". 'Days' or 'Dz' tells Amion how many days to run the report from the start date. It shouldn't be mistaken with 'Day' that tells Amion the start day to begin the report.

    Current year report: No need to specify the year. Amion always pulls from the current year unless indicated. So current full-year report would be "Month=1&Days=365".

    A whole academic year report for the current year: "Month=7&Days=365".

    To import directly into Excel (instead of a OCS file): Add "tabs" after the report number like "Rpt=625tabs" and add "amp" after each section in the URL. For example, to make a report go for the duration of 14 days and exported directly into Excel, use the example URL below:

    A report based on one specific staff type with dates: Add "Enote=type:PA" to the URL, as in: "Month=8-12&Day=1&Days=15&Enote=type:PA".

    API needed for importing unique IDs:

    l>In a report, Amion provides two IDs for staff and services, a unique ID and a backup ID. Only use the unique ID. By default, it's a number that Amion assigns but customers can enter their own IDs and the report will then give you the custom ID instead Amion's unique ID.

    The Amion unique IDs are specific to each group; they're not globally unique across all accounts. If you use our unique IDs, you can combine them with the Amion password or a fixed string you allocate in place of the password (groups can change their passwords) to create a truly unique ID. 

    Add "Enote=xpay" to the URL for report 619 to add an extra field that will be 1 if a shift is marked for extra pay or 0 if not. Here's a URL that will give you the current day's assignments with the extra-pay field:

    https://www.amion. com/cgi-bin/ocs?Lo=XXX&Rpt=619&Enote=xpay

    Some mail servers redirect links to a security scanning service; I add spaces to avoid the redirection and keep the URL legible.

    To get a list of extra pay shifts only, use Enote=xpayonly, as in:


    To get an entire month, add Mo=MM, where MM can be the month number (1=Jan, 2=Feb, ...) or + / - N, where Mo=-1 returns the previous month, Mo=-2 gives you two months prior, Mo=+1 gives you next month, and so on.

    Either of the following will give you all of October, assuming you run the 2nd option on any day in November:




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