6-19-24 | There have been lots of updates to OnCall over the last year. Sorry for not keeping this area up-to-date!
6-16-23 | Option to upload schedules via HTTPS in File / Preferences / System.
6-12-23 | Show a person's allotted # of PTO days in work-preferences drop-down even if a person has no assigned Vac or CME days. Seeing the values helps confirm PTO targets are properly configured for new hires or when first configuring PTO tracking.
5-9-23 | Staff can give back assigned vacation and other PTO. The option is in File / Preferences / Vac - PTO.
Remove Simple yes/no and Select by shift from request calendars so that staff submit explicit PTO requests only. That option is in Preferences / Amion Requests.
4-3-23 | Sort staff by rotation in resident clinic-assignments table. Right click on a person's name in the left column. With Show block assignments enabled, you can Sort by rotation.
4-2-23 | Display total number of holiday shifts worked on tally page, not number of holidays worked. Option is in File / Preferences / Call Tallies, under Tally each assignment separately. We've posted several updates since 1/5 without noting what's new. The last few months added further enhancements to PTO management.
1-5-23 | Improved pattern tool to block a person from shifts in adjacent pattern blocks that result in back-to-back assignments for different worker #s.
11-23-22 | Display PTO targets, credits and carryovers in the PTO request list.
11-4-22 | View all pending PTO requests with counts of days already granted vs. annual allotment. Tab through the list to grant, deny or remove requests.
10-21-22 | Credit any shift assignment as adding a day of Vac/PTO to a person's annual allotment. Enter custom Vac/PTO adjustments in work preferences, e.g. to carry over unused days from the previous year.
9-15-22 | Have custom off assignments, e.g FMLA or Maternity Leave, appear online as "Off" for added privacy. The setting is in File / Preferences / Vac-PTO.
8-9-22 | Fixed OnCall crash in resident schedules when syncing evening clinics entered in our web / pencil interface.
7-29-22 | Opened staffing-level rules to resident-style schedules.
7-15-22 | If a rotation assignment is configured to work 0 weekdays, the duty-hour report will consider weekdays a person isn't scheduled to a shift as a day off.
6-17-22 | Track and grant vacation, CME and other PTO days. Until now, people could mark themselves as unavailable and add notes explaining why. Now, staff can request vacation and other off time explicitly. Schedule admins can enter each person's yearly allotment and the system will help ensure people don't take more days than they should. Grant or deny requests by block and Amion emails staff to notify people of changes to their PTO. In File / Preferences / Vac - PTO, you can choose whether to exclude weekends and holidays from the PTO counts. You must use a version of OnCall from 6/17 or later to access all the vacation bank features.
6-6-22 | Fixed bug that caused OnCall to close when double clicking vacation or other off-service assignments into the work-preferences calendar. The problem was specific to the calendar view and didn't affect the table format where you see everyone's requests and off time together. The bug was introduced in the last update with an early version of an upcoming vacation-request and tracking feature.
5-18-22 | Fixed crash with resident schedules and the General Setup box.
5-10-22 | Fixed bug that kept the auto-scheduler from honoring work targets entered via the Rule Writer, a problem that was likely introduced 3 or 4 weeks ago.
4-26-22 | Fixed point-tally bug where weighting values differ by day-of-week and a shift is blocked from being staffed until part-way through the tally period.
2-22-22 | When syncing staff requests from Amion, don't show days as unavailable if there are no shifts a person could cover even if she wanted to work.
2-18-22 | Added a "Reactivate" button in the General Setup box for staff who were tagged as having left the group months or years earlier.
2-15-22 | Fixed drawing bug with feature that automatically pulls people from the schedule when on vacation, CME, or other off-schedule service. If one of two people on a multiple-slot service that's condensed to a single row is away, the other person was also filtered from the display. This update includes several other minor fixes from the last few months.
9-16-21 | Drag-and-drop sometimes put an unrelated person into a shift or left a shift empty instead of swapping the two people on the selected shifts in schedules with well over 100 providers.
9-15-21 | Fixed bug that caused app to crash when deleting a shift from the calendar.
8-4-21 | Fixed bug that caused a few large schedules to lose one red 'x' in the day-after-rule grid with each save.
7-30-21 | When tallying by service, added a green tab above shift name to note multiple same-name shifts combined into a single column. Previously you had to right click on the shift name to see if its rows are combined.
7-27-21 | Fixed bug in feature that combines multiple same-name shifts into a single column when tallying by service. Right click on a shift name in the top row of the tally table to combine sibling columns.
7-22-21 | Added three features to help coordinate work between multiple schedulers. 1. When opening from Amion, you'll see when the schedule was last updated and by whom. 2. In File / Preferences / System, you can have the app save and close after automatically if idle. OnCloud waits 8 minutes. With an installed copy of OnCall, you choose how long it stays open. 3. In File / Preferences / Amion passwords, create a list of admin IDs and require anyone editing the schedule to enter a personal admin ID. OnCloud will then know who's making changes and the IDs make your schedule more secure.
6-17-21 | Fixed a bug that left some schedules checked out when switching from one schedule to another. Fixed bug in autoscheduler that caused app to hang after filling multiple services a resident-style schedule.
5-29-21 | Fixed years-old bug that assigned staff new internal IDs. Google or iPhone calendars would stop or return another person's shifts. Data feeds to other apps such as MedHub would be affected, too. The bug hit a small number of customers who inadvertently pressed the Shift key while saving to Amion.
4-30-21 | Fixed a few bugs relating to cross-covering residents to more than one service at a time.
4-12-21 | Restored the ability to link a person to a shift in another schedule. The feature disappeared when we started supporting staff-to-staff links across schedules. When two or more groups cover a common service, create a person who represents another group and Amion pulls in assignments from the other schedule whenever the placeholder person is on.
4-9-21 | Improved tools for matching staff and assignments in Amion to their equivalents in ShiftAdmin for groups that want to sync ShiftAdmin schedules into Amion.
4-2-21 | Let autoscheduler put people on more than one shift a day if it otherwise would leave an assignment unfilled. There have been several other updates since 12-20 that didn't get written up here. Sorry!
12-30-20 | Stopped OnCall from enabling Admin must approve _ open shift pickups when switching from a schedule that uses that option to one the doesn't.
11-20-20 | Added hooks for other apps to push new shifts and staff into an Amion schedule with contact info and dates a person is available or a shift needs coverage.
10-29-20 | Improved handling of DST rules outside the U.S. Fixed bug that led to some crashes when deleting several schedule rows.
9-9-20 | Allow only two-way trades so that staff cannot give a shift to a colleague without taking one back in return. The option is in File / Preferences / Amion Trades.
7-23-20 | Configure up to 32 subset views on resident master rotation schedules. Previous limit was 16.
Track remote telehealth work. Right click on any shift and choose