Avoid repetitive data entry by working with Amion's Block Template tool for building
resident block schedules. If your block schedule follows a 3+1, 4+1, 4+2, or 5+1 model
(e.g. 4 weeks on service, 1 week in clinic) OnCall learns your pattern, makes a template
from it, and follows it throughout your block schedule.
- Set up the block dates in 1-week custom
blocks. If following a 4+2 model, set up the block dates in 2-week custom blocks.
- Click Options on the menu bar and select Autofill N+1 to enable block templates.
- Start a blank block schedule. Click in the cell to place the first service
you'd like to repeat (for example, "Clinic"). In the Infobox window, select
the clinic service from the list.
- Move 4 or 5 weeks ahead and enter the same assignment. OnCall will then
assign the person a year's worth of clinic weeks following the 4 or 5-week pattern.
- Once OnCall has spotted a pattern for one person, other assignment entries for
everyone else will repeat at the same interval.
- After entering all the clinic weeks in the block schedule, use the "Autofill N+1"
populate the weeks between the clinic.
For example if using a 4+1 model:
- When a resident is on the same assignment for 4 weeks, click on the first
empty cell after a clinic week and select the assignment from the service list. OnCall
auto fills the remaining three cells before the next clinic week.
- When a resident has a split rotation, click on an empty cell. Hold down CTRL and
select the two services. OnCall evenly splits the two services into the 4 empty cells
between clinic weeks.
- If residents have a different assignments each week between the clinic weeks,
disable using block templates by un-selecting Autofill N+1 in the Options menu.