Amion assigns each person a unique abbreviation. As staff come and go through the
years, it can sometimes be helpful to reinitialize all the abbreviations.
To reset all the abbreviations in residency schedules, put a block schedule
on screen and click on a person's name in the left-most column. Hold the Ctrl
and Alt keys down and click in the abbreviation edit field in the upper-right
of the infobox. The scheduler asks whether you want to reset abbreviations for all
staff. Say "Yes" and all the abbreviations should then match up with names.
To reset abbreviations in attending schedules, click the face icon on the main
toolbar to go to the work-preferences page. Hold the Ctrl and Alt keys
down and click on the abbreviation edit field in the upper-right of the Infobox.
Once you reset the abbreviations, you can customize those that might be more clear
with an extra or different letter than what the scheduler chooses for you.