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Socket error (firewalls)

If you get a socket error message when using the Save to Amion feature for publishing your schedule at, it is usually due to a firewall blocking OnCall from communicating with the amion server.

Firewalls usually work through a proxy server. In OnCall, go to File / Preferences / System and you'll see a box for entering a proxy server. Call your IT help desk and tell them you have an application that needs to communicate to a server using standard HTTP Post commands. Ask them for the name of your proxy server. It will look like a web address, something like Also ask them what port it monitors. If the port is anything other than 80, you'll need to add that in the proxy box, with a space or a colon between the server name and the port number, as in: 8080

If the initial message you get says that OnCall is trying to contact a server other than, (for example it lists something like ""), go to File / Publish on the web. Hold the Ctrl and Alt keys down and click on the Online options button. You won't see anything happen but the key sequence re-initializes some of the communication settings in OnCall. After the Ctrl + Alt + click, try the Quick Send again.

OnCall should be able to communicate through most firewalls but it does not support authentication. If your firewall requires proxy authentication, you might get a message from OnCall saying Unexpected, oversize reply. Ask your IT department if they can set up an exception in the firewall to allow traffic to and from without authentication.

*NEW as of 3.20* Webfilters used via Fortinet firewalls are set to use proxy-based inspection. When that profile is in place, users may receive a socket error, even though the hospital is not showing any blocks on that end. Change all traffic to to use a flow-based inspection profile.

If OnCall is still unable to communicate with the server, you can troubleshoot further by running OnCall in debug mode. Click here for instructions. The file C:\OnCall.dbg will have a log of the handshaking between OnCall and the server and the information in there can help diagnose what the trouble is.

If you cannot get the Quick Send to work, you can publish through a web browser. Go to File / Publish and click the Admin Login button. OnCall opens a browser window and takes you to the Amion Administrator page. A text cursor will be flashing in a box near the top. Hit Ctrl + V or Edit / Paste. The name of your schedule file should appear in the box. Hit Enter or click Send to publish.


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