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New look for Amion

The Amion home page has a fresh look and new dynamic content. New databases and management tools make the entire site easier for us to update and that means you'll hear about new features as soon as they become available.

The new home page features a login counter that tracks the number of people accessing schedules each hour. Click the update arrows to refresh the numbers. You'll be amazed at how many people log in to Amion!

A news headline pulls postings from a new, more active news area. And the EasyPlot pages have a fresh look and banner!

Visit our site through an iPhone, Blackberry or other mobile device you'll get a home page that fits nicely on the screen. Log in to a schedule and the initial list of who's on call will be tailored to the small screen. Eventually, all pages will have different versions for large and small displays.

Our goal is to keep the site simple, easy-to-navigate and friendly for people looking for information and checking schedules online. We hope you like the new look!


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